Tuesday 4 March 2014

Pumpkin-Prawn Dish

Hello Guys!

I know its been a long time and truly,I have piled up on recipes to write on.But the problem is time,there is no as I would like to call 'my time' when I could sit and relax and write.But never mind,I have got a day off and I plan to utilize it by writing.So,here comes a recipe which is simple and healthy too.Less oil and super easy.

Lately,my mum has gained on a lot of weight and that to in no time.So,the doctor after scolding her advised her to follow a diet,strictly.I could see that sad face when she saw the boiled veggies,for a foodie like my mum and me its really difficult to go on a particular diet routine.But then,there is no harm once in a while to make a change,breaking monotonousness.

There were some prawns in the fridge so,I thought why not make something simple other than just that heavy malai curry,dab chingri or even echor chingri.That's  when I came up with this..


Small prawns 7-8 pcs.
Pumpkin 500 gm cut into square shape.
Salt to taste.
Green chili 2-3 slit.
Black caraway seed 1/2 tsp.
Green Beans 25 gm cut slantingly.
Potatoes 25 gm cut into small square shape.
Cumin powder 1/2 tsp.
Coriander powder 3/4 tsp.
Turmeric powder 3/4 tsp.
Olive Oil 1 1/2 tbsp(you could use any oil of your choice).
Sugar to taste (optional).


Wash and blanch beans and potatoes.

Wash,then marinade in little turmeric and salt and lightly fry prawns in a non stick.

Then in a wok pan,add oil and green chili with the black caraway seeds.

Add the pumpkin,beans and potatoes and fry it by covering with a lid,lower the flame to let it soften.

Add salt and sugar accordingly.

Then replace the cover and add prawns,cumin powder,coriander powder and again cover for a while.

When everything is cooked through,take it off the flame.

Serve with steaming hot plain Rice and Dal.

I hope you try it and enjoy it as well like we mother-daughter did...